Empty streets of NYC after coronavirus outbreak

New York or NYC is the most populated and busiest place in United State of America (USA), but after coronavirus outbreak the busiest and crowded streets of this glowing city in America turned into a silent and empty roads. Now USA come at the top position for most infection cases of coronavirus in the whole world and death rate is also increasing day by day here. This is the most difficult situation and we never ever seen this like before.

The situation is going wrost day by day in America, Spain, Italy and France. Due to coronavirus outbreak millions of people locked themselves inside the room to protect from getting infected by this virus. Because there is no any other better option than quarantine yourself to stop this. So keep safe and stay at home.

Empty streets of New York city

Must read:

Coronavirus outbreak news, coronavirus live updates, total coronavirus infection cases in the world, COVID 19 information, Empty streets of NYC after coronavirus outbreak, coronavirus cases in America

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